Directors Page
Miss Maryland International 2010
Let's Bring Them Home
Let's Bring Them Home...Did You Know?
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Pageant Sponsors
Miss Maryland International 2010's Sponsors
To contact Miss Maryland International


Heather’s year as Miss Maryland International 2010 would not be possible without the support of friends, family and partnered sponsors. Thank you to these sponsored partners for all of the support and guidance!

Miss Maryland International 2010 Partners:

Nouveau Art Expressions

Official web designer of www.heather-young.com and Miss Maryland International 2010.
(443) 857-2681

Let’s Bring Them Home

Heather is the National Spokesperson of Let’s Bring Them Home. Our mission is to provide safety education for children and adults as well as critical resources to families with missing loved ones. Our passion is prevention, but our heart is with the missing.
(800) 690-FIND

Absolute Body Power

Absolute Body Power Media presents B L A S T3/7!....the newest Fit and Healthy Family Lifestyle fitness revolution for all ages (young kids to seniors) and fitness levels (very beginners to advance). Guaranteed to take the “Boredom” out of exercise and fitness with our new 100% pure power/energy/motivation exercise and fitness phone apps; how to become fit and healthy book; home video workout dvds (step, weights, yoga, pilates). Your ONLY one stop shop for becoming fit and healthy for life! No more money on expensive diet/weight loss programs; home exercise equipment; and health clubs.

Contact us NOW!
(301) 754-1674

Beautify My World, Decorating Den Interiors

At Decorating Den Interiors we specialize in ONE thing - YOU! It's our ultimate goal to design spaces that reflect your likes - your lifestyle - and we pride ourselves on doing everything within YOUR budget. Contact me today for a FREE consultation.
(301) 977-3377

Terrianne Small

Can you imagine living your life and following a path that has been designed just for you? I can help you make it happen. Jumpstart your career, business and personal goals and watch your life transform as you grow.

Size 12 Shoes & Accessories

Size 12 is a shoe retailer in the metropolitan DC area that caters to women who wear shoe sizes 10-14. We understand the hassle that many women go through to find their shoe size at mainstream retailers. At Size 12 your shopping experience is complete with distinctive jewelry and lush handbags to match. Size 12-For the woman with a noticeable stride! TM 
*Visit our new site and join our mailing list!

Sharon Schultz, Independent BeautiControl Director

BeautiControl is a beauty company that specializes in Spa treatments, Personalized skin care and Advanced Anti-aging products (SPA) through a unique complimentary in-home spa experience with an unmatched income opportunity.
(443) 320-3391

Jeff Tong Photography

Freelance photography in the DC region. Win a Free Photoshoot!

Patty Blakeney, Creative Memories Consultant

Creative Memories is the story of your life. Creative Memories believes in and teaches the importance of preserving the past, enriching the present, and inspiring hope for the future.
(410) 913-1649

The Scarborough Sideshow

The Scarborough Sideshow is a live performing act, which displays feats of human endurance and continually pushes the envelope.
(443) 942-0502

Miss Maryland International's web site
Miss Maryland International's web site...